Integrating Data Feeds

There are three categories of data feeds in the GoraNetwork ecosystem:

  • aggregated,

  • custom, and

  • community.

Price Beacon

GoraNetwork's Price beacons are similar to the Oracle industry standard of providing data feeds available on a regular interval (e.g. a 1% deviation), in a publicly accessible contract. The current list of crypto spot prices can viewed on the Price Beacon page. While the price beacons are limited to high volume, popular assets, consumers can make request to any asset or data type by calling aggregated or custome endpoints.

Aggregated Data

Aggregated data is obtained from institutional data providers who generally aggregate high quality sources, and as such, already have significant data pre-processing for accuracy and reliability. GoraNetwork aggregates this aggregated data, ensuring the most accurate and availalbe data of any oracle.

Custom Data

Custom data feeds allow consumers to obtain data from their own endpoints. Calling custom data endpoints is very similar to calling aggregated data endponts. The process is described further in the following sections.

Last updated